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Oliver M. Hazen High School
Associated Student Body
Constitution and Bylaws

Revised: 03/2022
We, the students of Oliver M. Hazen High School, desiring to promote a democratic
school involving all students following the basic principles of freedom, integrity and
responsibility, do hereby establish this constitution for the Associated Student Body of
Hazen High school.


Section A: Name- The name of this organization shall be the Associated Student Body (ASB) of Hazen High School.

ARTICLE II: Membership and Structure

Section A: Membership- The ASB shall consist of all enrolled members of Hazen High
Section B: Structure- The ASB Government shall consist of a Legislative Branch and an
Executive Branch.

ARTICLE III: Legislative Branch

Section A: Name- The Legislative Branch shall be known as the Student Senate.

Section B: Membership- Membership- Membership of the Student Senate shall consist of one (1)senator and one (1) alternate senator from each class that aligns with the period that Leadership is assigned. To qualify to be a senator, the respective student must have at least a 2.00 Cumulative GPA for their term of service. Senators and alternate senators are voted on by each class that aligns with Leadership.

Section C: Duties of Student Senate- The Student Senate shall have the power to vote and implement the following:

a- Develop and adopt such bylaws as maybe necessary, provided they do not conflict with the intent of this institution.
b- Authorize, create, supervise, and coordinate committees for specialized
activities and services.
c- Issue, renew, and, if necessary, revoke organization charters; and promote
organizational activities.
d- Encourage participation in extracurricular activities.
e- Establish and enforce regulations for student conduct on school grounds and at
all school sponsored activities.
f- Consider, upon being properly presented, policies, activities and changes
proposed by students and teachers.
g- Recognize outstanding student, faculty and community achievements and
h- Authorize, sponsor, or supervise drives and campaigns.
i- To bring to the attention of the faculty and administration matters which are
outside its own area of responsibility.
j- To investigate and report on matters referred to it by the faculty and administration.
k- To pass such emergency measures as may be necessary.

All senators shall attend all Student Senate meetings. If attendance is not possible, senators are to arrange for their alternate senator to be present. All discussion at Student Senate meetings must be reported back to the senators’ respective fifth period.

Section D: Legislative Procedure- Legislative Procedure- The Student Senate shall use Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, 11th Edition to conduct business. Any senator may draft a bill or resolution for submission to the Executive Board, with the Executive Board having the ability to suggest changes to the bill. Legislation shall be passed through the Student Senate first and then will be sent off to school administration. For legislation to pass, it must:

a- Receive a simple majority vote (50% +1) in the Student Senate before it can be
passed on to school administration.
b- School administration must review and can veto any legislation brought to their

Once legislation has been approved by both the Student Senate and school
administration, the document is given back to its respective author for further
investigation of possible necessary implementation steps. That author is required to
work with school administration to help with the implementation process.

Section E: Voting- Only senators, alternate senators, and the following members of the
ASB Executive Board can vote on legislation and all decisions made at senate meetings:
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Highlander Club Co-Presidents,
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant, Senior Class President, Junior Class
President, Sophomore Class President, and Freshmen Class President. The ASB Vice
President, acting as the President of Student Senate, can vote only in case of a tie.

Section F: Officers of the Student Senate- Officers of the Student Senate- The officers of the student senate are the following:

a- The ASB Vice President is the chairperson of the Senate, also known as
President of the Student Senate.
b- The ASB President is the vice chair of the senate, also known as Vice President
of the Student Senate.
c- The ASB Secretary is the corresponding officer of the Student Senate.
d- The remaining members of the ASB Executive Board, the Student Government
Adviser, and the ASB Assistant Principal act as the advising body of the Student
Senate and are expected to be at all meetings.

Section G: Duties of the Officers of the Student Senate- The specific duties of each
officer are:

a- ASB Vice President- The President of the Student Senate shall be responsible,
along with the assistance of the ASB Executive Board, to determine the agenda of
each senate meeting and conduct all meetings of the Student Senate.
b- ASB President- The Vice President of the Student Senate is responsible for
filling in for the President of the Student Senate in their absence.
c- ASB Secretary- The Secretary is responsible for the recording of minutes and
taking roll of the senators and officers present at each meeting.

Section H: Vacancies- All vacancies of senators shall be filled within two weeks by that
respective fifth period’s constituents. Unfilled vacancies after a two-week period shall be filled by the President of the Senate.

Section J: Impeachment- The senate has the power to impeach any member of the
Student Senate for unbecoming conduct or conduct not beneficial to the best interests
of Hazen High School such as: breaking code of conduct, any violation Hazen High
School Student Handbook, suspension or expulsion, and so on.

a- Basic Rights of the Accused- Should a member of the senate or a student body
officer be accused, the accused does have basic rights to which they are owed.
The basic rights of the accused are (i) the right to a hearing, (ii) the right to timely
notice of said hearing, (iii) The right to see and understand the charges prior to the
hearing, (iv) the right to be present and to be heard at the hearing, (v) the right to
decline a formal impeachment hearing thus making their impeachment final.

b- Impeachment Procedures

  1.  Any member of the senate has the power to impeach any student
    body officer or any other member of the senate at any time. All
    charges must be presented in front of the student senate, must be
    presented in writing and submitted to the President of the senate, and
    must specify the member’s offense or offenses in detail, including
    dates, places, documents and the names of expected witnesses.
  2.  A member bringing forth charges against an officer or another
    member must do so within thirty (30) calendar days of the discovery
    of the offense. The charge shall be signed by the individual member
    or officer making the charge.
  3.  For charges to be accepted by the senate after the presentation of
    charges, a simple majority (50% + 1) of the senate must sign a
    petition for the impeachment hearing to begin.
  4.  Once the charges and the petition have been filed, the impeachment
    hearing must begin within one week, with the senate acting as the
    jury. A ballot vote requiring a two-thirds majority vote of the senate is
    required for impeachment to remove any student body officer or
    member of the senate.

Article IV: Executive Branch

Section A: Name- The Executive Branch shall be known as the ASB Executive Board.

Section B: Membership- The Executive Board shall consist of:

a- President
b- Vice President
c- Secretary
d- Treasurer
e- Public Relations
f- Parliamentarian
g- Highlander Club Co-President
h- Highlander Club Co-President
i- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant
i- Senior Class President
j- Junior Class President
k- Sophomore Class President
l- Freshmen Class President
m- Student Government Adviser (Ex-Officio)

Section C: Duties

a-It shall be the duties of the ASB President to:

  1.  Call and preside at all meetings of the Executive Board.
  2.  Preside at all assemblies and meetings of this association.
  3.  Serve as Vice President to the Student Senate.
  4.  Appoint committee chairpersons.
  5.  Call special meetings of the Student Senate with approval of the
    Student Government Adviser and the ASB Assistant Principal.
  6.  Interpret and enforce the constitution of the association.
  7.  Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
  8.  Act as a non-voting member of the Executive Board, with only powers
    to vote in the case of a tie.
  9.  Represent the association to their full capacity at all times


    b- It shall be the duties of the ASB Vice President to:

    a. Assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in their absence.
    b. Call and preside at all meetings of the Student Senate.
    c. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    d. Represent the association to their full capacity at all times

    c- It shall be the duties of the ASB Secretary to:

    a. Keep an accurate record of all meetings to the Executive Board and the Student Senate.
    b. Be responsible for transcribing the minutes of each Senate and distributing them to all Senators and Executive Board, in a timely manner.
    c. Attend all Executive Board meetings.
    d. Assist in the preparation of Executive Board and Senate Meetings.
    e. Publicize the ASB activities and student achievements.
    f. Represent the association to their full capacity at all times.

              d- It shall be the duties of the ASB Treasurer to:

    a. Act as Co-Chairperson of the Budget Review Committee.
    b. Approve and sign all vouchers, purchase orders, and check requests for ASB funds and finalize their disbursement.
    c. Coordinate all financial proceedings of the Senate and the ASB.
    d. Be responsible for all financial reports to the Executive Board, and to clubs and other activities upon request.
    e. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    f. Represent the association to their full capacity at all times.

    e-It shall be the duties of the ASB Public Relations to:

    a. Keep an accurate, detailed, and permanent record of all activities of the association which will be available for reference throughout the years.
    b. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    c. Represent the association to their full capacity.

    f- It shall be the duties of the ASB Parliamentarian to:

    a. Assist the ASB President in the management of Executive Board meetings.
    b. Assist the ASB Vice President in the management of Student Senate meetings.
    c. Chair legislation reviews when they are presented to the Executive Board.
    d. Assist in updating the association constitution before the end of every school year.
    e. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    f. Represent the association to their full capacity.

    g- It shall be the duties of the ASB Highlander Club Co-Presidents to:

    a. Promoting and fostering school spirit through school sanctioned activities.
    b. Organizing events accessible to all students of this institution, no matter age, sex, ability, or education level.
    c. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    d. Represent the association to their full capacity at all times.
    e. One of the ASB Highlander Club Co-Presidents will be named the ASB Highlander Sports President. This student will be in charge of promoting Hazen sporting events, and create inclusion and spirit within the event.
    f. The other ASB Highlander Club Co-President will be named the ASB Highlander Activity President. This student will be in charge of representing all club presidents and ensure a strong connection between the ASB Executive Board and clubs at Hazen.

    h- It shall be the duties of the ASB Class Presidents to:

    a. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    b. Preside over meetings of their respective class executive boards and classes.
    c. Be responsible for all major activities of their respective classes.
    d. Represent their class and the association to their capacity at all times.

    i- It shall be the duties of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant to:

    a. Attend all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    b. Represent, amplify and support student voices while creating a community that includes all students and staff regardless of circumstances.
    c. Proactively address concerns and problems within Hazen ASB and the school, and work with the executive board to create and implement an action plan for change.
    d. Promote diverse organizations within Hazen High School.

    j- It shall be the duties of the Student Government Adviser to:

    a. Maintain awareness of the activities and programs sponsored by the association.
    b. Facilitate Executive Board and Student Senate meetings, with the assistance of the ASB President and/or ASB Vice President, to discuss the agenda and planning of activities and programs sponsored by the association.
    c. Attend and facilitate in all Executive Board and Student Senate meetings.
    d. Assist in the orientation of new officers.
    e. Maintain contact with the Hazen High School ASB office.
    f. Assist with the direction in parliamentary procedure, meeting facilitation, and planning of activities and programs sponsored by the association.
    g. Act as a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
    h. Represent the association to their capacity at all times.

    Section C: Term of the Executive Board- The members of the Executive Board shall serve from one year beginning with their induction in May and ending with the transition meeting the following year. The Student Government Adviser is a perpetual position of the Executive Board.

    Section F: Impeachment- The senate has the power to impeach any student body officer for unbecoming conduct or conduct not beneficial to the best interests of Hazen High School such as: breaking code of conduct, any violation Hazen High School Student Handbook, suspension or expulsion, and so on.

    a- Basic Rights of the Accused- Should a member of the senate or a student body officer be accused, the accused does have basic rights to which they are owed. The basic rights of the accused are (i) the right to a hearing, (ii) the right to timely notice of said hearing, (iii) The right to see and understand the charges prior to the hearing, (iv) the right to be present and to be heard at the hearing, (v) the right to
    decline a formal impeachment hearing thus making their impeachment final.

    b- Impeachment Procedures

    a. Any member of the senate has the power to impeach any student body officer or any other member of the senate at any time. All charges must be presented in front of the student senate, must be presented in writing and submitted to the President of the senate, and must specify the member’s offense or offenses in detail, including dates, places, documents and the names of expected witnesses.
    b. A member bringing forth charges against an officer or another member must do so within thirty (30) calendar days of the discovery of the offense. The charge shall be signed by the individual member or officer making the charge.
    For charges to be accepted by the senate after the presentation of charges, a simple majority (50% + 1) of the senate must sign a petition for the impeachment hearing to begin.
    d. Once the charges and the petition have been filed, the impeachment hearing must begin within one week, with the senate acting as the jury. A ballot vote requiring a two-thirds majority vote of the senate is required for impeachment to remove any student body officer or member of the senate.

    Section G: Qualifications- Candidates for an office of this association must reach the
    following qualifications:

    a- Candidates must maintain a standard of conduct beneficial to this association, as outlined by the ASB Code of Conduct.
    b- Candidates must attend interest meetings, and satisfy all campaign requirements.
    c- Candidates cannot hold the same position two years in a row.
    d- Candidates for the office of President, Vice President, and Highlander Club Co-President must be members of the junior class.
    e- Candidates for the office of Treasurer must be members of either the current sophomore or junior class.
    f- Candidates for the office of Secretary and Historian must be members of either the current freshmen, sophomore, or junior class.
    g- Candidates for the office of Class President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer must be members of their current respective classes.
    h- All officers of this association must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
    i- All students elected to and ASB executive office must be enrolled in a minimum of three classes on Hazen’s campus per trimester during their term of office.

Section C: Election Process

All election details not listed in this constitution are delegated to the election committee.

Section E: Vacancies

a-Should a vacancy arise in the office of ASB President, this position shall be filled by the ASB Vice President.

b- Should a vacancy arise in the any other office, a special election may be held at the discretion of the remaining members of the ASB Executive Board, the Student Government Adviser, and school administration.

    1.  The election must be run in a matter that is not anonymous. Candidates are able to campaign within given boundaries, read their own speech, and all candidates’ names will be placed on the ballot.
    2. All offices must be voted on for there to be an election, whether a candidate is running unopposed or not.
    3. The ASB election process must begin within the first week of April.
    4. The election of freshman class officers should be held within the first month of the start of the school year, with their induction at the next regularly scheduled Student Senate meeting.
    5. All enrolled students of this institution, with exception of those enrolled in the current senior class, have the right to vote in the election of officers for this association.
    6. For the successful election of the Highlander Club Co-President position, there must be an election of two students, unless there is one singular candidate for this position.
    7. For a successful election of all positions, be it Executive Board or Class Officers, a simple plurality vote (majority) must be reached for each position. In the case of a tie, the following process will be implemented for a revote until a candidate has successfully been elected:
    8. All candidates will be placed on the second ballot, and a second round of voting will be conducted.
    9. If after the second round of voting there is not a successful election, the candidate receiving the least number of votes will be dropped from the ballot and we will proceed to a third round of voting. This process will continue until there is one single candidate left on the ballot, thus making that single candidate the winner.

Article VI: Committees

Section A: Formation- There shall be two kinds of committees, a standing committee and a special committee.

  1. Election Committee:
  2. Membership- The committee shall consist of a chairperson and four
    members, with supervision from the Student Government Adviser. The
    four members will be chosen from the current Executive Board who
    are not running for re-election. The current ASB President will serve as
    the chairperson of the election committee.
  3. Duties:
  4. Organize, promote, and provide guidance to the election process.
  5. tudy qualifications of each candidate that files, verify that each
    candidate properly completes a nomination petition, and that
    the name of each qualified candidate is placed on the ballot.
  6. To assist with the online voting process wherever needed.

b- Budget Review Committee:

  1. Membership- The committee shall consist of both the current and incoming ASB Treasurer, who are acting co-chairs, eight (8) members of the Student Senate, two (2) of those members being from each grade, as well as the Student Government Adviser, ASB Bookkeeper, and ASB Assistant Principal as ex-officio members.
  2. Duties:
  3. To develop and approve the ASB Budget for the following school year from budget requests submitted by club advisers and athletic coaches.

Section C: Special Committees- A special committee can be made any time at the discretion of either the Student Senate or the Executive Board. The duties of this committee will be outlined at the organization of said special committee.

Article VII: Veto

Section A: Power- The power of the Student Senate is delegated to it by school
administration. School administration shall have the right to veto any measure which the Student Senate has ratified.

Article VIII: ASB Activities

Section A: Chartering- Chartering- Any group that wishes to receive ASB funding or sponsorship must receive a charter from the ASB office. Groups requesting a charter must apply in writing to the Student Senate, with the application including a constitution for their organization, name of organization adviser, meeting location, meeting dates, and meeting times. A simple majority vote (50% + 1) by the Student Senate is required to approve the organization application.

Section B: Membership-  Membership- All enrolled members of this institution are eligible to be involved in any of the chartered organizations at Hazen High School. Should the chartered organization participate in any fundraisers throughout the year, all members of that organization must have purchased a valid, current year ASB card.

Section C: Dormant Organization(s)- Dormant Organization(s)- Any organization that fails to meet on a regular basis may have their charter reviewed by the Executive Board for possible revocation. Should the organization be considered dormant for three consecutive years, that organization's money will be automatically transferred into the general ASB account and the organization charter will be revoked.

Article IX: Amendments and Revisions

Section A: Student Senate Approval- Amendments or revisions to this constitution must be presented in writing to the Student Senate. A simple majority vote (50% + 1) is necessary for the legislation to pass the Student Senate.

Section B: Final Approval- Final Approval- All legislation which passes the Student Senate shall become law with final approval coming from Hazen High School administration. Any legislation is subject to veto by school administration.

Article X: No Discriminatory Clause

Section A: Non-discrimination-  Non-discrimination- All chartered organizations of this institution shall make all educational programs, athletic, club and all other activities available to all students and shall apply district and building policies and regulations to all students without regard to national origin, race, creed, economic status, or sex.