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Health Information

Welcome to Renton School District.  Below are tips to help your child have a healthy school experience. 

Health Concerns

Notify the office if your child has any health condition so the school nurse can plan for care.
• Life Threatening Conditions – Notify the office if your child has a life-threatening condition such as a severe allergy to food or bee stings, asthma, diabetes, seizures, cardiac.  The State of Washington requires medication, treatment orders, and a health care plan in place before a student may begin school.   School nurses train staff about student health concerns.

Summer checklist 

  • Schedule an appointment with your child’s healthcare provider.
  • If you are a previous Hazen student and received forms from your school nurse, review, update and sign the parent/guardian section.  All others see web site below for blank forms.
  • Bring the forms to your child’s medical appointment and ask the healthcare provider to complete the medication order(s)

Medication at School

Administration of all prescription and over-the-counter medications requires a medication authorization form that must be completed by your child’s health care provider and signed by a parent/guardian.  Medication must be unexpired, in its original container and labeled with the student’s name.   See forms at web page link below.

Ill or Injured Students

The school nurse and office staff trained in First Aid/CPR care for ill and injured students.
The school health room is for temporary care only.  As soon as possible, an authorized adult must pick up students for:  injury, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, or coughing that interferes with learning.

Emergency Contacts

Fill out your child’s emergency information completely and notify the office of any changes in your telephone numbers.  
Discuss pick-up plans with your emergency contacts so they will know your expectations if you are unavailable.

Help promote readiness to learn by encouraging your child to

• Wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, blowing nose, coughing or sneezing
• Cover coughs with a sleeve, not the hands
• Get enough sleep.  High School Students need about 8-9 hours a night.
• Eat a healthy diet and eat breakfast every day to prevent low blood sugar symptoms by 9:00am.
• Wear clothing appropriate for the weather.
• School nurse helps facilitate access to community resources such as healthcare providers, health insurance, counseling, and clothing, food banks, special healthcare related transportation, etc.

Head Lice Information

Head lice are an occasional annoyance for children in schools.  Please check your child’s head every few weeks for signs of lice.  It is easier to tackle the issue when lice are found early.  

Inspect your child’s head and hair, particularly around the ears and at the nape of the neck.  Look for:
•    Intense itching and/or red marks on the scalp
•    Tiny oval whitish eggs (nits).  Nits are tightly attached to the hair and will not flake off like dandruff or hair product. 
•    Live lice – See the links below for pictures of lice.

To prevent lice, instruct your children not to share combs, brushes, or clothing.  Lice do not jump or fly from one person to another.  They are transmitted only by close contact with persons or articles such as hats, brushes, combs, pillows, coats, etc. which contain the lice or nits on them. 
If you find nits or lice on your child’s head, several steps are needed to get rid of them including correctly using a FDA-approved lice hair treatment, nit removal and washing all articles in contact with hair in hot water.  
If you find your child has lice, please inform the office staff at school so that school lice procedures can be followed.  Bring your child to the school office to be checked prior to returning to the classroom.  It is also helpful to inform the adults in charge of other children with whom your child has close contact, such as close friends, daycare, sports teams or youth groups.  Consult your child’s health care provider if you do not have success treating the lice with over-the-counter products.
For more information, visit:
King County Lice Information
State of Washington Lice Information 
Center for Disease Control - CDC
CDC - Lice Treatment